Elemental Methods Serves on Blue Ribbon Panel on the Modernization of Fisheries Information Systems

United States fisheries are now among the most sustainable in the world. Yet as commercial fishermen, recreational anglers and seafood businesses work to reap the benefits, outdated information systems and practices are presenting an enduring barrier.

Amidst growing interest in addressing this problem by modernizing our nation's fishery information infrastructure, a coalition of experts came together to make recommendations for change. Michael Christopher of Elemental Methods was a member of the coalition charged with drafting these recommendations to Congress and the Trump Administration. Today our "Fishing Data Innovation Taskforce" is pleased to release "Improving Net Gains", a call to advance data-driven innovation for America's fishing future.

This report reviews progress to date, assesses the experiences of fisheries stakeholders, considers best practices from elsewhere, and makes recommendations for how the National Marine Fisheries Service can work with partners to move us forward. 

You can view and download the report at:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d962dcacd5e945f608125e0/t/5f089919391ac620ebf61eab/1594399004861/Tab%2BD1_Data%2BMondernization_Improving%2BNet%2BGains%2BReport.pdf

Michael Christopher