Elemental Methods Presents New Tool Assisting Homeowners in Preparing for Coastal Disasters

(Austin, TX) Today, Elemental Methods LLC presented a new tool designed to assist homeowners in preparing for natural disasters. The new “Coastal Homeowner’s Handbook” mobile application was introduced at the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) “2023 All Hands Meeting” at the University of Texas at Austin.

Designed specifically for homeowners, the “Coastal Homeowner’s Handbook” is a critical resource for anyone wanting to reduce the risks to their family and property from natural hazards. The handbook covers essential information on emergency preparedness, evacuation planning, flood/wind insurance, and steps to protect life and property. The mobile application and administrative web portal were developed by Elemental Methods, LLC for the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA). According to Michael Christopher, the Managing Director at Elemental Methods, “The development of the “Coastal Homeowner’s Handbook” mobile application provides a new opportunity to expand public access and assist in the preparation for and recovery from coastal disasters, along with the ability to monitor and assess usage of the tools.”

In 2023, the “Coastal Homeowner’s Handbook” mobile application was developed to expand the reach and usability of the tool by incorporating mobile technology and taking advantage of the proliferation of smartphone use in the United States. According to data obtained in ongoing studies by Pew Research, a substantial majority of Americans are cellphone owners. In 2021, 85% of Americans owned smartphones. This represents a substantial, and still-growing, majority of citizens across a wide range of demographic groups. While smartphone ownership exhibits dispari<es based on age, household income, and educational attainment, the gaps are declining. Mobile technology use among rural adults and minorities has also risen rapidly, with the share of those owning smartphones increasing sharply since 2011.

The implementation of the “Coastal Homeowner’s Handbook” on smartphones (Apple and Android) provides new opportunities to reach and assist the public and communities in preparing for and responding to disasters. Customizable electronic checklists allow users to create and update preparation checklists for multiple situations and properties. Immediate access to preparation status allows users to constantly plan, monitor, and progress in completing their tasks. An online weather data feed allows users to monitor current condi<ons and alerts for their geographic areas.

The incorporation of electronic messaging in the application allows communities to have constant contact with the public. Community administrators can provide information and assistance in preparing the public for impending disasters, in addition to providing guidance and assistance after disasters. Targeted messages can be transmitted to large and small segments of the affected communities.

Michael Christopher